Charity No: 1145634


We worked with BBC Children In Need on a project called ‘Writing My Story’. Children aged 7-11 and 10-15 produced a book entitled “Writing my Story”. The project started on the 21st of September which lasted for 10 months. During this project children visited art galleries and museums.
The ‘Writing My Story’ project is taking place again this year and we are hoping that our experience gained from last year will help us produce a more organised, memorable book for the present generation to commemorate and for the future generations to remember the achievements of this centre.
Building an integrated community through strengthening EL-COM
We are currently running a capacity building project which is funded by Big Lottery Fund (Awards for All). The purpose of the project is to involve more volunteers to set up a clearer direction, create a business plan, write a marketing strategy, create networking with the mainstream organisation, asses the needs of the community and create an English website. The centre will work with these new volunteers to structure and organise the community centre. The project will come to an end in January 2015.